Here’s How Orgs Are Using “Teams” To Manage Holiday Work – And Why You Should Too

…we’re putting “Teams” in quotes because OF COURSE your organization already works as a team. You know all too well that teamwork is absolutely critical to property operations and management – the only way things ever get done is if everybody does their part just right.

What we’re talking about is a very specific kind of teamwork. In fact, when SiteCompli found out a number of real estate companies already worked this way, we built an entire feature around it for InCheck.

InCheck’s Teams feature allows you to assign specific tasks to a group of people instead of an individual person. That way, anyone on the Team can pick up the task and get it done ASAP.

Any kind of task can be assigned to a Team

So if your usual maintenance person at a building is out for the holidays, you can assign work to the general Maintenance team, ensuring folks on the schedule can get it done without delay. That means no missed tenant requests, and no work backlogs piling up into the new year. You can approve time off and team schedules without having to worry whether or not work will get done, keeping your staff AND tenants happy – and your properties in great shape.

And it’s not just advantageous around the holidays – working in Teams can benefit your org year-round. If someone is busy or logged down with work, another team member can pick up a specific task and get started. It’s a great way to ensure necessary work continues at your properties no matter who is available, scheduled, or onsite.

Want to start working better together with your colleagues? Reach out to us at, and we’ll get you access to Teams and a host of other features that will help your organization operate more efficiently 24/7, 365.

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About the Author

Kristen Hariton

Kristen Hariton is the Vice President, Product Engagement at SiteCompli, focused on exploring new solutions and innovations in property operations tech. When she's not sharing the latest industry trends, changes, and updates, she's planning her next adventure to Walt Disney World.