Local Law Compliance
Building-focused regulations aren’t going away anytime soon. In fact, the number of federal, state, and local laws around property operations are only growing.
Here are some answers we’ve compiled for your most critical compliance questions. For the latest updates in NYC Compliance, check out our NYC Blog.

NYC Local Law Compliance
Explore key compliance Q&As organized by NYC agency:
Administrative branch that regulates fire-safety related permits, equipment, certifications, and more, issuing violations for noncompliance.
Central NYC compliance agency that has jurisdiction over every structure within the five boroughs.
OATH (formerly ECB) is a judiciary tribunal that hosts hearings for other NYC agencies issuing administrative violations.
While the DOT isn’t property-focused, they do issue violations through OATH for safety-related infractions, in addition to Sidewalk Violations.
The DEC is a New York State agency with jurisdiction over specific NYC properties and equipment, including petroleum bulk storage.
Popular Questions
Here’s what other compliance professionals are asking:
- What are ECB Violation Statuses?
- What if my permit account has a negative balance?
- How do I schedule a sprinkler/standpipe flow test?
- How do I renew a fuel oil or central air (A/C-Refrig.) permit?
- What if my permit account expired and I’m still awaiting an inspection?
- How do I pay an FDNY permit account inspection bill?
- What happens if an FDNY permit account bill goes unpaid?
- What if my FDNY permit account has a balance due?